
By Hilly


I picked up my new Macbook tonight, only my second brand new Mac I've had. The first being a Colour Classic (c'94/95) which is still in it's own special bag in my loft! I collected it at TNT at Edinburgh Airport, which was quite an experience in itself. Before I could get to customer collection I had to sign at health & safety agreement at the gate, put on a high-vis tabard plus a visitor's pass. All because it's in the confines of the airport, fair enough.

After taking it out the box I was trying to work out what to do next when Craigie-boy phoned and talked me through the various steps, which given it's a Mac, weren't too many, it was callibrating the thing which I couldn't get my head around.

Now it's charging its battery which I've to leave on all tomorrow, run the battery down completely tomorrow night then leave it for 5 hours. Sounds more like a slow cassarole!

Tomorrow I'll be transferring stuff from the old eMac and and installing Photoshop then there'll no stopping me!

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