The "Yes" Man

On This Day In History
1931: William Shatner is born

Quote Of The Day
"Why say "yes"? "Yes" means opportunity. "Yes" makes the dots in your life appear. And if you're willing and open, you can connect those dots. You don't know where the dots are going to lead, and if you don't invest yourself fully, the dots won't connect. The lives you make with those dots always lead to interesting places. "No" closes doors. "Yes" kicks them wide open ...... As long as you're able to say "yes," the opportunities keep coming, and with them, the adventures. Say "no" to fear and complacency. Keep on saying "yes" and the journey will continue."
(William Shatner, Shatner Rules: Your Guide to Understanding the Shatnerverse and the World at Large)

This is The Man who ate surstromming. He walks the talk, and he's still having adventures at the age of 91.

"Do all the things you never dared."

The Things That Dreams Are Made Of

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