
By bananablip


A morning of filming, thankfully nothing to do with lockdowns or covid, but simply to duplicate an in-person assembly we did at Prestfelde this morning. Moral of the morning: in person is a billion times better than online.

Lunch club today at Belvidere school and despite it being in the middle of a housing estate, there must have been a field nearby because the entire school smelled of manure. It was most off-putting. One of our lads had actually gone home because the smell was so bad.

After a day of sunshine yesterday, I was quite surprised that my fingers nearly froze through my gloves on the cycle this morning. 39 years and I still don't understand the British weather. Thankfully, a lovely sunny cycle home.

My friend, Claire Jones, from the wilds of Powys, does not believe me when I tell her that mullets are back. Today I spotted at least four, some in school some on the actual streets of Shrewsbury. Forgive us Lord, for not learning from previous errors. 

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