I moved in with Bob, a Jack Russell, & Lola, an Alsatian, at 8am. Pat & Jane their owners have gone off to Cape Verde for two weeks. I fed the dogs then gave Bob his tablet wrapped in a generous amount of brie :-(. Would he eat it. No! I got settled in then it was time for a walk. I forgot to carry pieces of raw carrot, treats to keep Bob walking .. we fortunately got around the heath with just a couple of stops. Lola happy fetching a stick.
I popped back home so hubby could have the car. It was such a gorgeous day after lunch I did a quick bit of weeding in P&J garden. Just the herb bed, then I decided to have walk on the heath alone. That's when I spotted the sparrowhawk, hovering ....
Popped to see mum on the way back around ... On Sunday evening she rang me because the central heating was'nt working so I drove down to check what the problem was. She had switched off the electric for the gas boiler. She did'nt know why she had switched off. I reset the timer and told her NOT to switch it off. When i spoke to her earlier today she told me her central heating was'nt on again last night but she did'nt like to ring me. She had switched off the electric again. I tried to explain. She can't remember switching it off. I've put tape across the switch now it's on, hopefully that will stop her doing it again. I mentioned that she was getting forgetful and suggested that perhaps to get checked out at the doctors. She was adamant that she did'nt need to.
Back to base for cider o'clock, tried to switch on the tv for The Chase. I could not get the tv on ..... GRH!!!! Last time I was here I had a problem with the tv ... I got itvhub on my laptop ..... eventually :-) then noticed a tv handset on the sideboard. I'd taken a handset out from under the tv (faulty). I now have tv. Bob took his tablet in his dinner tonight. Result!
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