
By scharwenka

Chantry Chapel, Buckingham

We met our good friends Jacqueline and Ken in Liverpool in 1963, the year that Scharwenka got married, and moved to a research post at the University of Liverpool.

Jacqueline's birthday is on the same day as our Wedding Anniversary (see yesterday's Blipfoto entry), and in many years we have contrived to find ways of celebrating together. She is first the woman on the left in this picture from yesterday, and that is Ken just behind her.

Jacqueline and Ken were able to spend the weekend with us, and joined us at The Fishes yesterday. Here is Jacqueline about to start on her fish platter at the pub.

Jacqueline and Ken are both historians, and we thought that today (after the excesses of the anniversary lunch yesterday) we would take them to look round the historic town of Buckingham, not far from us. The Norman Archway of my photograph here is part of the Chantry Chapel. The chapel is reputed to be the oldest building in Buckingham.

Of course, after we had explored a bit, wandered round the Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul, we needed a little sustenance despite our filling breakfast (smoked fish) of not long before, or the excess of beef the day before. The White Hart Hotel provided for our needs and beyond. We got good pub grub, good real ale, and (over-) filled ourselves up in a way we had not intended.

But it was a good day out!

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