The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Gold equals Cash

How much does this sign holder earn, for standing up all day at the bustling Gloucester Cross, where the four ancient streets or gates (North, East, South and West) intersect? Does he get a lunch break? I wish I had asked him.

There was a street market at the Cross, and I discovered that standing at the busiest part of town on a Saturday afternoon and expecting people to stand still is not realistic. People have a habit of walking into shot eating toasted snacks. On the other hand, I had the courage to take street pictures in bustling Gloucester, and nothing terrible happened! Apart from the pictures being Not That Good.

Health and Social Welfare in Gloucester city

Since I started my course, I have taken to fidding with my camera and altering settings that I cannot later reverse. Or so it seems. But I may have got the SP shot on self-timer that is required for next week's homework. And I have bought replacement clips for my gorillapod. It is Not All Bad.

Read the street signs

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