Enjoying the Sunshine

We drove down to Oxford with Jenny today and had a fun filled afternoon with Euan and his Mummy on what has been a lovely, warm day.  Whilst Mummy had a meeting, we took Euan up to the playpark for a good ninety minutes or so.  He is growing in confidence on the equipment and talking non stop.  

Next stop was a long walk down the park to the Ice cream cafe followed by a further walk to the 'Doctor's Park' for more fun and games before dinner at the Cafe at the bottom of the road.  The staff in the cafe know Euan well and ask him if he would like a warm frothy milk with a straw and chocolate on the top.  His Daddy joined us having cycled from work and we all tucked in to pizza.  Euan was very tired and so it was straight home and bath then bedtime stories with Granny and Grandad.  He was asleep in moments.

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