Me, Myself and Wine

It was somewhat depressing day at work today. Maybe frustrating is a better description. I can't stand the fact that some of the staff won't stand up for themselves, even when they clearly have the law on their side and it is all on the web for anyone to research.

Some of the staff are complaining (amongst themselves) that they aren't getting paid their shift and overtime allowances. They won't confront the boss either as a group of individuals because they are scared of him. Why, I don't know. He can't hurt them physically. At worst the boss can sack a worker and because he is doing something which is clearly unlawful I doubt that he would have a leg to stand on.

As for myself and the two other people in my department. We are happy to do anything that is a reasonable request and we do. However, if that request is not reasonable, then we politely decline. I have had a few run-in's with the boss over things like overtime and if he isn't prepared to pay, in full, then I don't do it. No point in working to line his pocket.

Most of the staff are scared of losing their jobs if they complain, which is sad.

I am looking forward to the end of my contract in September. At least I will be able to say I have fulfilled my part of the bargain.

Sorry for the rant but I am frustrated!

More red wine...

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