living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


We were in Chester with my dad a year ago yesterday, maybe this can become an annual tradition!

I peeked out of the window this morning and the sun was streaming down like some glorious thing! By the time we got out of the house, though, there wasn't even a teeny tiny billowing ray left so I had to wonder if I'd imagined it all. By the time we got to Chester it was even more blustery. *sigh* We braved it, though, and it wasn't even that bad. It was a really nice day, actually. We had plenty of time to walk around, go to a few shops, tour the wall and it's little curiosities (Look! Carl it too short for that door!), etc. We went down to the waterfront and got a surprise. We heard shouting and look up at the wall to see Neil and Rhianna there. I was sure they were on the road already as they had left our house this morning to visit a friend and said they were driving South after that. So it was a pleasant surprise and we walked around a bit with them before they took off for the long trip to Epsom again.

My favourite part was a whimsical little area we found with carved stacked teacups and a carved butter knife going into a log. Why? I'm not sure but I felt we were in Alice's Wonderland for a short while. There was also a boat lock there which was interesting as I'd never really looked at one close up. I asked what Chickpea's favourite bit was and she said, "Standing in that circle- I didn't like the walk cuz I fell over that rock." It was true, she went stone hopping and bumped her head, poor thing.

On a side note, Monkey has been truly walking the last few days. In the weeks following his 5-6 step debut he has barely walked at all, maybe a step here an a few steps there, but he has now decided to be a proper walker. There's no stopping him now. Plus, today he climbed up on the back of the couch! How in the world did he get so agile and daredevilish?

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