Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


More sunshine and warmth. We're going to take badly to the change, still, hopefully not for too long. This camellia was a gift from my sister for our Ruby wedding, almost 7 years ago already, how time flies.
We went to the Gyle and paid the balance for our holiday. So looking forward to it. Not till May but that will be here soon.
The Virgin man came and changed our tivo box for a newer model. He also retuned our remote control so that it controls the tv as well as the box. The old one used to do that so we had got used to it.
Quiz night tonight, not the result we hoped for but never mind.
This is the second time I've written this entry, the first seems to have disappeared, if it appears as a comment in somebody's blip, do let me know. Very strange.

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