Living my dream

By Mima


This is more of the art in K’s garden, where I spent the morning. As you can see from the spider’s web, it was damp and drizzly which wasn’t pleasant, but it gave me a good Blip. I love the water droplets clinging to the web.

The extra shows the Lion Hound trying to befriend a baby lion, Maya. Note the disdain with which Bean is being treated.

I got home soaked through, more than ready for dry clothes and a bowl of soup. Once fully restored I headed into the garden to pick today’s crops:
Runner beans
French beans
Muriel’s Magic beans

The afternoon has been spent in the kitchen making dips, salads, a flan and boysenberry jam.

The boysenberries accumulated in the freezer all summer. 2kg was enough to make 6 jars of jam. It is almost the only thing I don’t barter: it is too delicious to share.

The third batch of apple slices have been drying in the garage throughout the day.

A good day despite the weather.

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