Loch Venachar

It was a long night with Conor last night. His blocked up nose is making it hard for him to feed, so he was taking little and often. And then when he did fall asleep, he woke up as soon as I put him down. I got up with him at 6 and then when Orla got up too I gave her breakfast and we watched telly until Ed got up. He took over then and I went back to bed. Grandma and Grandad came round for a couple of hours before heading back home. My mum and Catherine were out a walk with Ryan and the twins and they popped by for a little while. Orla took advantage of being outside in nice warm sunshine to play on her Wendy house. She pretended it was her cafe and she made some interesting things for me and her dad. Later we went for a drive to a real cafe, the Harbour Cafe on loch Venachar. The past couple of times we've tried to come here it's been too busy to get a table, but today it was nice and quiet. Orla had the most enormous piece of chocolate cake - she needed a bit of help to finish it! We had a lovely evening at home with Orla playing nicely with her toys and Conor lying contentedly on his mat long enough to let us have our dinner.

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