
By antipodean


Here is the beautiful Amita! This is my fifth photo in a row in black and white; I promise tomorrow everything will be in colour...

Amita and I had a brilliant catch up over brunch. She studies med, and she's doing rural placement this year which means she's not in Melbourne during the week. Luckily she comes back at weekends otherwise I'd be pretty sad! I saw her at the 21st the other week but today was our first proper talk in months and it was so good to hear about what's been going on. We were tucked in the back corner of the cafe we went to (Liar Liar in Hawthorn) so it felt very cosy and private even though the place was crazy busy!

The rest of my day was fairly low-key. I did a job application in the afternoon and then Mum came over to help me clear out my wardrobe. The pile of clothing headed for the op-shop was huge by the time I'd gone through everything, so I'm pretty pleased with our efforts!

I'm lucky to have such beautiful friends to photograph, and I think Amita looks lovely here. Although I didn't mean to leave my camera on black and white, I'm glad it was because the lighting in the cafe was tricky and this saved me a lot of fiddling with settings when our brunch was waiting right there!

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