
By antipodean

Inner city living

Choosing today's photo was crazy difficult - so many nice pictures of animals to choose from! However, as many of you know, I love sheep so this one won out.

I went for a massively long walk down to the farm with my camera, and decided to spice things up a little by using the only other lens I own. It's a zoom lens, but I like to call it my stalker lens because until today that's all I thought I'd use it for. I took it because the animals at the farm are often way down in the paddocks and I can never get a good clear view of them. This solved my problem nicely and I got some really nice pictures, although some of the animals were surrounded by children so I could barely see them.

I spent the afternoon doing yet more clearing out. It's so cathartic, and it's hilarious how random the stuff I'm finding is. Today I found a beach bag that had an umbrella, some sunscreen, some moisturiser and some shampoo in it. I also found all my orientation stuff from first year, as well as a pile of sentimental clothing (like a tiny vest top from when I was a baby and my two Arsenal shirts from when I still followed football).

I had a girls evening with Phoebe, Liv and Steph which was so lovely. We had dinner and drinks, and then more drinks, and we talked through a lot of stuff from the last few months. It's so great to be back in the same place as my support network. Skype and messages are fine but there's nothing like a good, face to face catch up to sort out all our worries!

Oh gosh, I just love this photo. My other choice was this, and I like it a lot - especially as it's pretty typical of the inner city - but I love that my inner city has a farm, and so I felt like this photo actually represented the inner city for me. Plus I really do love sheep!

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