
By missjatravers

A walk in the park ... & the things you hear!

.... inbetween April showers I took a walk in the park, as this being my 100th blipday I figured I needed to have more photo opportunities than a laptop screen ... So 153 photos later... this pretty lady was the best I could come up with ... nearly caught a squirrel but he was too quick, and what with the ever changing sun in sun out situation there was fat chance of keeping up with the camera settings! (not with my addled brain having sat and number crunched all weekend!)

Overheard an excellent conversation in the park... two young just teenage girls
'I don't believe all that dinosaur crap'
'why not?'
'well if god created the world why on earth would he have made such a big scary thing as a dinosaur?'
'maybe it was to make sure people didn't do bad stuff'
'didn't work though did it'
(imagine this spoken in very strong scouse!)

Anyways time waits for no researcher ... and I have 3 more days/8 more horses to get analysed... as tomorrow and tuesday the bookies calls ! So no chance of getting any analysis done there !!

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