River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Viola labradorica

It stayed dry and bright all day until 8pm when we had a heavy shower of snow and sleet. 
Temperature all day very chilly but the easterly breeze was very handy for drying the washing.
Whilst the machine was washing and the washing was drying (!!!!) I did some family history based around my childhood home.
A friend of mine who lived about a mile from me when we were children had sent me a message a few days ago, he had taken a DNA test and we share quite a small amount of DNA but we are going to see if we get anywhere in finding the connection! It looks as if we are connected through both my Mum’s and Dad’s sides of the family!
Another coincidence - my friend had an Auntie with a very unusual name, when I was looking at her details in my tree another hint appeared from another DNA cousin whose Mum was at the same schools as me but she was a couple of years older … he also has the auntie in his tree so the men are probably related to each other too …!
Today’s very quick gardening job was stuffing prunings from the roses and bay tree into the green bin, wind from the sea and too chilly for staying out too long.
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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