
By emmacooperx

A Choumas'

Today started with a little bit of translation. Next I had my class with Nelly's seconde who are excellent and lovely too. Went to chat to Thibault and hung out with him for a bit. Even braved the staffroom and a chat with a few teachers - not something I'm often feeling brave enough to do. Spent the afternoon productively (if wasting my time on non-paid translations can be considered productive) and agreed to meet Thibault for a drink before the English teacher's meal in the evening. Went to my prison lesson which was funny - who new that I couldn't make the difference in pronouncation between d'ou anddoux, I'm definitely begining to get a complex about not being able to do it, but at least the prisoners found it funny!
Came home, had a cup of tea, changed and headed to the Jacobean to meet Thibault. Was great to chat with him more, he's an interesting guy that I wish I'd had more time to get to know. He's kept an eye on me this year in a way that most of the teacher's haven't taken the time to do. The Jacobean always involved encounters with Dave who is impossible to understand in both English and French!
The meal with the teachers was amazing. Mireille, Mathilde, Thibault and I headed into town to a restaurant called A Choumas. I had duck and dauphinoise potatoes so really cannot complain as that is most definitely still my favourite meal. Too much wine, a little bit of verveine (yes, I finally got to try and it was much better than I had imagined, I would even go as far as saying that it was nice!) and this chocolate and mint creme brulee dessert makes for an excellent meal. The teachers had all signed a card, and bought me two books and a DVD, I was incredibly touched.

After saying goodbye to Mireille, we headed into town for another drink, in a very strange, very OTT bar. Was great to talk more to Thibault, who ended up walking me home. It was sad to say goodbyes, I really hope we'll keep in touch.

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