The Greatest Day
It's very possible that this was the greatest day of the Year Abroad so far. It's not certain because on reflexion there have been so many excellent days. But this day was beautiful, sunny, friendly, busy and very French - what's better?
Woke up pretty late after not getting home until 2ish. Spent a lazy morning showering and catching up with a few people. Around 12 I went to Shadi's to meet Libby and Katy plus Hati, Dom and Rebekah. We decided that as it was 20+ degrees, a long walk and picnic was definitely necessary. We did the Chabot walk, near Vals which took about an hour to get to the top, where we had a lovely picnic with bread and cheese and wine. It forms part of the St. Jaques de Compostelle path so it was pretty beautiful with views out accross Le Puy. I got nice and sunburn - typical English girl - but it was worth it. After finishing the walk we headed to the park for a cheeky wine apero to celebrate Libby and Katy's 21st birthdays.
After bumping into Yolande for a quick chat, I headed to Ludovic's with whom we drove to Amelie's 24th birthday party. I was a little bit aprehensive about it because I didn't know many people that were going but I had a really nice time, even if I rest super timid in big groups of people. After an apero, we headed to the Michelet. My first experience of clubbing in Le Puy was not excellent, but it was hilarious. Luckily I stuck with Elsa and we just laughed at all that was going on around us!
After a drink in the Majestic, I went to collect Libby and Katy who were staying at mine. After a little bit of tension about what time I'd be back and keys and all sorts I think things worked out in the end.
Today was the best of both worlds - Anglophone friends, Francophone friends and a lovely bit of sunshine.
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