Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

"Solar" panels

We woke to this.  Unsurprisingly, the solar panels were not generating any electrons.  And although the lying snow cleared quite quickly, my goodness it's been cold, with a sharp wind, and intermittent snow showers all day.

I did a session on the static bike this morning, and that kept me warm for a while, but the house is not the best insulated.  So we've had the central heating on most of the day, and the wood burner lit since 5.30.  

No thought of pot washing or other garden tasks today, we spent a bit of time sorting papers in the study.  And another house viewing couple this evening - our Estate Agents are keeping us on our toes by arranging one viewing per day so we have to keep tidying up and we can't let the pots build up in the kitchen sink.

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