CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Broughty Lifeboat Station

A bright mild day

At church today we had a Prayer and Bible Study where we were considering the way ahead. We are committing ourselves to times of prayer and fasting so that we can discern what God is saying to us.

Afterwards, my wife and I did our usual walk along the Broughty waterfront. The weather looks like summer but it was only7 degrees but felt warmer. The Broughty Lifeboat unfortunately is very busy, some of it because of the number of suicide attempts from the Tay Road Bridge.

Sadly, a Life Boat from Broughty was involved in a disaster many years ago. The RNLB Mona (ON 775) which was a Watson-Class lifeboat based at Broughty, capsized during a rescue attempt, with the loss of her entire crew of eight men. The Mona was built in 1935, and, in her time, saved 118 lives.

Later, I had preparations for preaching on Sunday and tonight we will have a family Zoom to celebrate the Birthday of our Son who lives in Essex.

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