
I had to get everyone all organised this morning including myself. I normally stay in my pjs and get things done around the house when the three bigger wildlings leave. But this morning I had a important meeting to attend. We have a EGM coming up so I had a get together with the assistant chair and leader of PIN. It did involve coffee and a scone , and the Jedi was so well behaved. He normally goes back to bed about 10 for a nap but I didn't get home to after 12 and he cuddled in and fell asleep. I absolutely love the fact he's so cuddly. 

My cold is certainly better today. I just feel quite drained. But I'm back on babysitting duties today so all the Wildlings and their cousins are getting on well together playing. My nephew is coming for a sleepover tomorrow too. So the boys are excited about that. 

I'm hopefully watching a movie with Mr R tonight ( of I don't fall asleep on the sofa ). He's been working late nights this week so he's been getting home and I've been going straight up to bed. I'll need to have extra caffeine to stay awake later. I also need to try and read more of the respiratory system. 

It's now the Easter holidays here so the Wildlings are off school and nursery for the next two weeks. We have a few activities planned with PIN which the Wildlings are looking forward too. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. X 

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