Fancy pudding

This pudding was our very yummy treat last night - it was a faff and it wasn’t even Ottolenghi! Worth it though.

Today we woke to another lot of snow and the roads were so bad when Mr C went to the next village to get blood taken that he didn’t continue to the garden centre.

Chris asked me over for a catch-up and some broth. It was good to see her though I didn’t like Rex coming to reach over me to lick my bread roll. He’s so huge he can reach the dining table.

The snow had more or less gone when I left and the sun was out, so I went for a walk, arriving home just as Carol was calling for coffee.

Things are so depressing with so many people going to be struggling with the huge hike in utility bills, food costs, council task increases and petrol. What the government is offering is nothing - the £200 off bills will happen in the autumn and will have to be repaid. They haven’t a clue what people go though. Why people vote for them is a mystery. Well they are probably brainwashed by the Daily Fail and social media.

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