Place: North Myrtle Beach, SC 48/78
Main activity: Fri - session w/ Taylor
Notes: 30 deg difference today! Awake early and then back to sleep until around 8a (vivid dream of being in the red part of a rainbow). Did qigong, low key morning and then 11a session w/ Taylor from BQH - Beyond Quantum Healing. Went nearly 4 hrs and was really good! Very hungry then, ate some broccoli, took a shower, prepped some dinner stuff - feeling a bit spent but in a good way. Made my lovely "fake" pizza w/ sprouted whole wheat tortilla, tomato sauce, homemade pesto, green olives and a bit of goat cheese. Nice side salad and my fave NA beer from Ceria (the IPA style)! Got my temp tattoos I ordered and have already put a couple small ones on - kind of excited to see if I want to get some real ones. 

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