
Dictionary project - Day 14 Forbidding

1. Hostile or unfriendly
2. Dangerous or ominous

Its been pretty lovely weather all day today - typical given that I have been trapped indoors, not only teaching and managing my own classroom for 5 lessons today, but also starting off 5 lessons for one of my colleagues who was absent, then checking in on his groups throughout each lesson, and then doing the same for 3 lessons of another 13 lessons in 1 day when we only have 5 lessons a day. I was a bit like the Tasmanian Devil cartoon character by the end of the day!

Day ended positively with the boy from yesterday coming and giving me quite possibly the most genuine apology I have ever had from a child - we had a decent chat and I think that to be honest, he felt worse afterwards, because he now knows exactly how much he frightened me yesterday - and I don't think he had contemplated that at all. Maybe he will next time...I try to be optimistic.

Been out for a curry tonight - very very hot (naga chillies...jeez. I never drink lager - tonight I had a half pint and it was gone in 60 seconds!). Great meal though.

And then the sky turned black...

I was going to do a picture of me wagging my finger in a menacing way - as if to indicate that I was forbidding someone not to do something....but the sky worked better!

Anyway, Electricglass is up next ....thanks for dropping by the last two weeks, I hope you've enjoyed and maybe even learned some new words (I have) ...this project has actually really helped me to develop my skills and to think about what I shoot (with the camera I hasten to add).

TFI Friday tomorrow.....sooooooooooooooooo tired.

Night all

PS Dad- I just could not even figure out how to do Ekranoplane ..... maybe someone else will do it?!?!?!

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