No Parking (really)
It being Hectic Thursday (the day of many kids' clubs) I didn't really have the time for a proper photo. Rubbish, eh? I did drive by some fab stormy waves on the Firth and think "ooh, that'll be a cool blip - should have time to stop on the way back and take a few shots". Somehow it had slipped my mind that I was in Scotland and three whole different climate types would have sailed overhead before I got back to Longniddry. Obviously it was gloomy, rainy and not so windy/wavey when I got back.
Instead, you can have a small flavour of one of the annoyances of my life. Those parents who are so busy and so desperately important that it's ok for them to park on the yellow line outside the Scout Hut to drop their little darlings off at drama. This wagon was clearly driven by someone so 'important' that she felt it appropriate to park on the cone (she wiped it out on leaving).
But the main annoyance of the day is the guy in the flash black convertible (oh not compensating for anything at all....) who overtook me in a village. In a 30 zone. I was doing 30 already. It was chucking out time for the infant school too. Anyway. This happens too often for it to be an emergency every time so I'm naming and shaming: Mr RV07 XNR: what was so important?
Perhaps one day he'll arrogantly google his car registration plate and find this. And it will make.... no difference at all to his behaviour I'm sure. I live in hope though, that the speed trap at North Berwick today caught him out.
Off to London tomorrow for my godson's 5th birthday bash. 4 hours on the train with two under-exercised kids, but mercifully followed by a few days spending time with some of my favourite folk.
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