Edge of Brightness
Quick snap from the A1, over-photoshopped, of our local nuclear power station. The title is a reference to the brilliant Edge of Darkness series from the 80s - which I see is being remade as a movie with Mel Gibson.
Busy dash to Berwick today to catch the train to London. Not too bad a journey though, as with all journeys involving a bored under 5 year old, there is always a point where it feels like the journey will never end; this time it was around about Doncaster when Conor decided that one 30 minute program on the iPod was quite enough, and now he wanted to blow raspberries at me for the rest of the journey. Well, we all survived.
Our hosts in London were, sadly, not 100%. Aunty V is very heavily pregnant but with ages still to go. Uncle R has shingles on his face and scalp - which just looked awful (I mean as in it looked really painful, rather than that he looked like some plague ridden scurvy boy... thought he did a bit!) None of us were 100% sure about whether you can 'catch' shingles - anyone know?
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