
By KathyH58

Apr 5

The sun came out and melted the snow. This afternoon the temperature was 10 C. The crocus were open and the bees were coming around.
One place I drive by regularly has crocus planted on his lawn and it was a mass of color this afternoon. The crocus are even spreading into the woods next to his place. I stopped to take a few photos today and found a bee in one of the crocus.
A busy day. I had merchandising jobs to get done today and need a couple more days to finish off this round of assignments. I am going to have to talk to my manager, I need to cut back for the summer. And it bothers me that when I started with the company 9 years ago I was making $2 more than minimum wage. With the various hikes to minimum wage and the latest one that happened on April 1, I now make 65 cents over minimum wage.
Since I had to visit a store in the mall, I decided to have a visit with my cell phone provider and see about getting a new phone. I now have a new phone, but I will have to get something to carry it in, since it is larger than the one I had and does not fit in my pocket. I have yet to play around with the camera on it, actually it has 3 cameras.
Then it was off to meet with a new customer, I wanted to go over the plant choices with her for her new garden. She approved everything. Tonight I met with another new client, he moved into a new house last fall and there is a neglected vegetable garden there. He wants some help digging out the old soil and replacing it with new. I gave him a price and he is happy with it, so that is 2 new jobs today.
We start the spring cleanups tomorrow morning.

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