Dae ye ken?

Dinner tonight in Didim at the Taj Mahal with neighbour friends John and Janice, recently arrived from Scotland. Although the food was as delicious as always, the service was appallingly slow so there was ample time to chat about a range of things, that somehow included the task of going to sleep. Or, as in my case, not being able to. John, fisherman and other at-sea career work to do with dolphins (retired) can, apparently, after a lifetime of sleeping on the fishing boat, just go to sleep. Just like that. How I asked? His response included the strategy that when he can't, he just recites some Robbie Burns but never gets to the end of the poem. Hmm.  He also told me about the dolphins that swim in the North Sea alongside the boats and showed me a video and my heart leapt with the dolphins to see them play. Conversation moved on, though I can't remember why, to Radio 4's shipping forecast, which actually means something to him whereas to me, the words are as indecipherable as Robbie Burns. Still, curious, having got home I've looked on line and found a NINE HOUR YouTube video of BBC Radio 4 shipping forecast. It seems I'm not the only one who can see the insomnia cure potential. Gotta be worth a try, I mean, 9 hours of BBC Radio 4 shipping forecast. Seriously?

For those of you who also struggle to sleep, or who are just curious: 

Robbie Burns "To A Mouse" read by Billy Connelly here. Nope, I don't understand it either, but the poetry is in the rhythm and the music in the sway and worth a listen (2 minutes) with your eyes closed for all that. Btw, did you know that the poem's line "best laid schemes of mice and men"  inspired Steinbeck's novel? I've learnt so much tonight, what a wonderful evening! 

Nine hours of Radio 4 shipping forecast here

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