Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

The Casino

After the hotel to Portugal, this is the only fine period building that survived the great flood of 1940. It is only open at weekends. It has a good restaurant and a theatre that has seen better days but it still retains its period charm. Inside, there is the obligatory roulette table but there are also slot machines that can pay out thousands of euros. I am not a gambling man but I went in once and fed a machine with one euro and immediately won six. The proof that I am not a gambler lies in the fact that I considered myself very lucky and just walked away with my winnings. Anyway, my granddaughter; who was underage at the time, was outside waiting and she was not allowed in. 

The warmer weather has returned so it was lovely to be out playing tennis in the sunshine. In the afternoon Lesley came round with all her artwork. She is off to the States and may not be back in time for the exhibition. Therefore, I am the custodian of her canvases so that they can still be exhibited if she is held up.

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