A Day In The Life

By Irish59


Standing in the doorway willing a hummingbird, any hummingbird, to the recently hung feeder I noticed a gathering of ravens in trees across the street. An Unkindness it’s called, whereas a Murder is when crows collect in a group. It’s unfortunate these intelligent birds get such a bad rap. Because the sky was cloudy and gray I perked up the background with some added color. It’s very Hitchcock-ian or Halloween-like, so enjoy a bit of October in your April :) • As previously mentioned a small hummingbird feeder is now out but all remains quiet • MrsP and I are doing pretty well after our second booster shots yesterday. I had a restless night, and we both have little energy and sore arms today, but all in all, it isn’t bad. We’re keeping ourselves busy around the house, I’m making soup for dinner, and bedtime will come early tonight • “And the Raven, never flitting, still sitting, still sitting” - E.A.Poe

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