I had to scrape the car windows before heading off to the shops this morning.
After doing the food shop I stopped off at B&Q to get a hacksaw, some thinners and sanding sealer.
They don't do sanding sealer there .............. What?
When I got home the ice on the car roof was beginning to melt so I took the camera out to take a couple of shots. I also tried to get the sun lighting up my breath like crepuscular rays coming through the Korean Fir. That didn't work too well.
The pictures are over here.
After lunch I went and used the hacksaw to remove rivets from the garden shredder where they had pulled through the plastic feeder. Then I went to put in new ones.
It turned out that I didn't have any long enough so I had to go back to B&Q. I couldn't find them so I asked a member of staff .... it turns out they don't have any rivets. They sell the tool to put them in - but not the rivets.......... WTF?????
The new phones that SWMBO ordered arrived.
God, but I hate getting a new phone ........ setting it up, finding things, transferring things, finding things that don't work .......... like Blip.
Oh I have got Blip on the phone, but it tells me it is an older version and it only shows black squares where pictures are meant to be. During the attempts to get it working I followed the instructions on Blip to change my e-mail address and password (using my laptop).......... Nope! that doesn't work either.
I am not enjoying today.
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