Another Sunny Day in Ridge
Boy, did I feel better this morning. It’s amazing what a day of rest can do. My mother had a telemedicine appointment with her cardiologist at 9:00 am. She asked me to help her with the phone procedure. It went without incident. I pruned and cleaned around her butterfly bush (top right corner pic) while hubby got the camper ready for our May trip. It looks so much better and Momma really isn’t able to do it. She was quite pleased with the job. The flower shots were taken of trees in her yard (redbud, camellia, apple and crab apple). The situation in the bottom left photo could have been a disaster but as usual, our BIL saved the day. When hubby winterized the new camper, he overlooked the exterior water source-our old one did not have that feature so it wasn’t on his checklist. As he was flushing the antifreeze out today, he had little water pressure and went to investigate. Part of the interior was already flooded and water was pouring outside in several areas. We mopped up the floor and my mother and I made ourselves scarce. I worked on the thousand piece puzzle my mother had started and she crocheted. I showed her how to use the phone camera and she was able to text my nephew-progress. Hubby called the dealer who said the first appointment was in July. He could not locate the actual broken line. He was so disappointed about the whole situation. We made him lunch but he was still sad. Our BIL agreed to pick up dinners for everyone and come take a look. My sister came along as well. Turns out, an unneeded connector broke when the water froze. Dan made the simple reconnect (probably saving us $1,000 in repair bills) and the guys put the camper back together. We shared a dinner with our cousin who cut Momma’s grass after work. Another blessed day at Yellow Bank (the name of the property). Hope your troubles are as easy to overcome. Have not heard any news today but my prayers are still for Ukraine. Thanks for the visit. Glad you liked my “late bloomer.” I am still shocked I was able to get it to bloom again. “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” – Charles Dickens
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