I Left My Real Dog at Home

That's what we conjectured that his expression said as he walked  three little Pomeranians past the Trail House this morning. Or perhaps, as John suggested, "My wife made me do it." 

But we know better, because we've seen him with them many times in the general vicinity. His attire attests to the fact that we are having a heat wave and it was warm enough to sit outside this morning. 

Our conversation with Tobi ranged from bees to tomatoes. Dan is becoming a bee keeper and among other things, Tobi told us all about how certain hives can have a 'bad queen' causing the bees to become aggressive. It is even possible to raise queens and select for better ones  to replace the bad ones. We didn't get into the finer points of how this is done, but I'm sure if Dan had been there, he would have told us all about it.

John spent the day tending his little tomato plants and building a 'cage' for one of the raised beds so he can plant lettuce in it. The ground squirrels are able to breech the system of hoops and cover cloth that keeps insects out of the big veggie beds, turning them into covered wagon replicas.  Ground squirrels are quite fond of lettuce, so a full cage is called for.

I spent the day tweaking quilt squares. I could stare at them all day and keep moving them around, but I have discovered that the best way to look at them is to take a photograph which reduces the big picture to a small one and makes it easier to visualize the whole thing at once. It now remains to put sashing between the squares and decide if I want to do a border. I put my picture of the final arrangement in extras.

I'm pleased that Katanji Brown Jackson became the first Black woman to be confirmed yesterday by the Senate to sit on the Supreme Court.  It is to her credit that she handled the shameless politicking and reprehensible questioning by all but three Republican Senators with grace and dignity.

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