All Cleared

I have not had a chance to go to the drug store to pick up the new blood pressure medication the doctor prescribed on Monday, but I have taken my blood pressure three different times since Monday and it has been perfectly normal each time. It certainly isn't normal because things are so peaceful around here because they aren't.

They finished clearing Dorie's house next door and I just spent some time looking through my photos for before and after pictures. I didn't find exactly what I was looking for but I did realize how much better things are looking than when we first returned after the fire. It's good to see that but it's also shocking to see how bad things were back then. I think we were too busy just trying to make the place livable to allow the full magnitude of what happened to sink in. Today's picture was taken from our stairs across to the cleared lot. It appears that anything burned was placed on plastic . I think that what the guys with buckets were going around picking up. Here is a link to the picture I took of the same scene about a week after the fire.

I'm feeling a bit beleaguered today. 

What remains is to evict the unwanted tenants (the rodents and now also the ants). I'm sure the fact that they have found their way back into the house must be somehow related to the fire but I don't have the energy to figure out how that could be. We're just paying the pest control people a fairly eye watering sum to do it for us. I hope they start soon.

I had to wake John up to take him to meet his friend Dan at the Trail House for a beer this afternoon. I forgot that they are putting in a new sewer line on the street we normally take to get there, and traffic is alternating one way.  We had to wait for the water truck to go through before it was our turn. A trip that normally takes 20 minutes took 45. And I had to listen to John ranting about how unnecessary it all is...He hates being a passenger and he also hates being late....

I think instead of ranting here any more, a glass of wine is called for.

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