And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

joy of joys!

The dreaded form arrived for me to fill out and sent of and if I dont do it by the 12th of may my money may be stopped, why do they always have to threaten?

Dont know weather to fill it in before we go on our break or when we get back.
Some of the questions are so silly too.

Had a funny day today only managed one walk so far, we took him out for a walk first thing then to vets for a check up and a couple of treatments, hes on a diet as of now and hes not too happy about it. Hes 8 now and getting a slight limp so he has no choice and it wont matter when he blinks his beautiful malteaster eyes at me I will turn the other cheek, that goes for you too MR LAUDER....

We had a stabbing in Scarborough at the weekend very sad indeed, a man of 19 dies another 17 yr old is in hops with a stab wound too the leg, they have 2 other teenagers in custody. Apparently yesterday was supposed to be the busiest day of the year so far and the whole sea front was shut down.

Still undecided what to make for dinner I only have 14 pro points left and im having a hungry day. Thanks again guys.

love c x x x

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