Amandine's Plot Treize

By AmandineJardine

First radish harvest

These radishes were sown in the greenhouse in late winter and planted out in early March. It was great to harvest them this morning (and of course I sowed some more in various places as I knew the harvest was coming!).

In previous years, most of my homegrown radishes tasted really bitter. I tried picking them earlier, watering more and adding more compost or manure to the bed but nothing worked. I'm glad these tasted delicious and crunchy!

Work's not busy with Easter holidays (my freelance work is always quieter during the school holidays) and the last week of University vacation so I spent the entire afternoon on the plot.

I helped mow the top row, then when I was back on my plot, I potted on tomato and aubergine seedlings, watered plants in the greenhouse and sorted out a few things here and there.

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