
By SueT123

Los Pantanos de Villa

We’ll, we arrived in Peru safely yesterday afternoon which was like our bedtime at home. H was shattered so went to sleep at 7.30pm and slept until 3am . I had much less sleep but we felt so much better. We sorted all our luggage out and at dawn went for a lovely walk in an olive grove park looking for birds. There were quite a few including two herons! After breakfast we went to a fishing village with a guide and saw an amazing amount of birds including pelicans, two types of boobies , Peruvian terns and many more. We went on trip in a small boat which was rather scary as it was quite rough but we saw so many birds. We had a packed lunch and this afternoon we went to this place and again had a fantastic time and it culminated with another walk where we saw a rare many coloured rush tyrant which is very small, blue and yellow predominately, very fast and difficult to photograph. However, I got a couple of good shots and our guide was amazed! All in all it has been a fantastic day. I haven’t brought my computer as it would have been too heavy so I’m afraid I will only be able to blip phone shots. I may get behind with comments, sorry!

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