Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A beautiful tulip garden

The Feast Day of St. Caradoc and St. Benedez.  Maundy Thursday
After a cloudy, misty morning, it is now 13c and has been a pleasant blue skied sunny afternoon..
I have had a couple of good walks and achieved 6507 steps. I read recently that it is the first 6000 that help keep your heart healthy, but most dry days I aim for 10,000. If I walk more than that, my left foot aches, because I have  a distorted metataral. I live in walking boots much of the time, and recently bought some  black sliders for indoor wear, that support the toes and heels.  They are very comfy. I never wore high heels when younger, but I have narrow feet and high insteps.
I have to tell you that the house we wanted has been sold. An offer was accepted from someone else yesterday morning. I saw another semi for sale on my walk and it has a beautiful pink blossom tree in the grassed front garden. Paul is hoping to leave work early to avoid all the traffic, so we will look at the house online. 
Who is watching Compulsion on Ch5 at 9pm? I do not even buy lotto tickets but I think the theme of it about compulsive gambling online and the debt that can accumulate causing devastation. t is a lesson to everyone. It is a dark tale and cleverly written drama. I usually prefer adventure, spiritual stories including a good angel or romance.
Thanks for dropping by and have a good evening blip friends.

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