Rip It Up

Since spotting that the hedgehog was back in the garden a couple of weeks ago, Mrs C has been putting out food each night. I made the plastic box a couple of years previously - to try and stop the cats nicking the food - and we line it with paper mainly because the little beggars tend to crap as soon as they’ve eaten.
But this is the second morning we’ve woken up to shredded paper outside the box. And no obvious explanation as to why. It could be birds getting in there, or two hedgehogs having a scrap - or maybe it’s alien beings seeking sustenance!! But, hopefully, we will have an answer in the next few days as we have set the trail camera up to record all the nocturnal comings and goings over Easter.
An early posting today as I’m off out early doors for the first of this weekend’s gigs. Tonight will be the first outing for the new amp and the uprated pickup, and I’m hoping I can get a decent tone dialled in fairly quickly. I would also like to try out my new (to me) in-ear monitors, but that may have to wait until Sunday. I’ve not played a Friday night at this venue before, so don’t know what the crowd will be like or how long we will be playing for. But I’m sure it will be an enjoyable evening, whatever.

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