
……………………….Valley, Marlborough

Lack of rain and long hours of sunshine turn the countryside golden and dry. This sight was one on offer as we drove home via the Wairau Valley.

Marlborough is New Zealand’s largest winegrowing region. The Wairau Valley, particularly the northern end near Blenheim, has many established and developing vineyards. At the moment the leaves are providing a patchwork of autumn colours from green to yellow. See extras.

Further south we discovered Lake Argyle, an artificial lake in the Wairau valley which was constructed as a storage reservoir. It is a popular fishing location for brown and rainbow trout. See photos in extras.

A very big thank you to everyone who checked out the two blips I uploaded yesterday, especially those who were kind enough to leave comments, stars and hearts.

Covid update
There was no update provided on Good Friday, but the following is from Saturday’s report
7,763 new community cases, 20 deaths

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