Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Fabulous Fun!

What a fun day! For breakfast Mr. Fun cooked us scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese sprinkled on it. Then we took showers, cleaned-up and were ready for any adventure the day presented.

Shortly after noon we headed toward Morro Bay because we needed to stop at the Ace Hardware store to get a few things; we decided to make that our last stop. We went to the library and I sat in the car using their free wi-fi on my laptop, uploading a few blips from the past days. Mr. Fun had emails and things to catch-up on on his laptop. Once we were through there we decided to stop at the local thrift store that's run by the Catholic Church. Mr. Fun always looks through the used DVDs, CDs, and videos. I look at pots, pans, dishes, and small appliances. I also look through the used clothing - every now and then I've found a terrific bargain.

We left there and decided to take the dogs for a walk, so we went out toward the huge Morro Bay rock and the entrance to the bay. That provided a love walk, warm with hardly any wind. The dogs loved it. We even got to see a sea otter just floating on its back and resting. Once we got the dogs back in the car Mr. Fun thought we ought to stop and get a bite to eat. I told him we could either get a small snack and not ruin our dinner or we could just go for an early dinner. I could tell he really wanted us to cook dinner at the house, the frig has lots of food, but he also wanted to eat and he's not exactly a small snack kind of guy. So . . .

So we went to Tognazzini's Dockside, too. It belongs to the family of a blipper from Portland, OR, and I knew it would be fun to tell her that we'd eaten there. And it was fun and it was delicious. It's outdoor dining right next to the water. As we sat waiting for our food, I snapped photos of a seagull close enough to me that I could touch it and also of two sea otters floating past. One had a crab on its chest and the crunching noise as he ate let us know that his fresh caught meal was tasty. When our food was ready, Mr. Fun went to the counter to get it and then we moved across the patio to sit and had an excellent view of the band playing and singing. We both had fish 'n chips; the meal was more than satisfying.

After eating we went back to the car where the dogs were waiting patiently in the shade, actually they were napping, and we drove to the hardware store to get just a few items and then by the time we got back to the house, evening was approaching and that brings a favorite moment - sunset. It was nothing spectacular, but then again it was. Watching the sun drop below the horizon is always spectacular. These April sunsets, we'll see eleven of them before we exit on Monday, have not contained the water-colored beauty that January sunsets provided, but still they have been worth pausing for everyday.

For our after-dark evening entertainment, Mr. Fun played the video he had purchased this afternoon at the thrift store: Krippendorf's Tribe, with Richard Dreyfuss and Jenna Elfman. Mr. Fun's selections are not always winners so I was a little skeptical. The movie was hilarious. We laughed and had a good time and shared a bowl of popcorn.

What a fun Saturday this has been!

From the Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun and the three pooches), aka Carol

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