Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


We woke to a steady rain in Cayucos this morning. We knew it was time to be moving south, and actually I was ready to be home. So we packed the car, put each of the pooches in, Mitzi in her front seat "doggy carseat," Chloe in her backseat "doggy booster carseat," and Max, he gets harnessed in the backseat (next to me and I give him tummy rubs as we travel), and put ourselves in and said "Goodbye" to this lovely little "Cowboy Surf Town."

We drove through a variety of weather -- some with light rain, some with almost dry pavement, and then some tremendous downpours with lightning and thunder. Since we arrived home, the weather has done a repeat of what we experienced on the highway. So I've tried to get the pups outside between downpours.

I want to make it clear that I am NOT complaining about the rain. I love it. We need it. "Enjoyable" is a good description. I do not, though, like being out in it and I especially do not like walking the dogs in the rain and then the ordeal of getting them dried once they are back in the house. I think little Mitzi's coat is a sponge. It doesn't matter how little water she walks in, she always comes back in the house too wet.

We have had a good time away. I never really dreamed that we'd get all the way to Monterey; it was a desire, but I did not think reality. I'm so thankful that Monday as we drove up the 101 Freeway we had no rain and Wednesday as we drove south through the Big Sur Coast we had no rain. Both of those parts of the road are enormously enjoyable to travel, especially this time of year with all the green hillsides, meadows, and fields.

I don't have to be back in the classroom till Tuesday morning. So we might be back home, but vacation "mode" isn't over yet.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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