
By stujphoto

Chiffchaff ?

Yesterday with the milder weather and patches of sunshine the birds were out in force at the bird feeder. I think I counted as many as thirty at one stage. Quite a range of different species too - yellow hammer, gold finch, chaffinch, blackbirds, pigeons. I was determined to capture them in a more natural habitat and was therefore concentrating on the couple of nearby trees.

I was shooting from in the house with the window down and the curtains closed as that Is the nearest thing to a hide for me. I was using a serious piece of glass in front of the lens a 400 mm lens with a 1.4 converter and resting the lens on a beanbag as I find it is almost impossible to cut down the movement of such a large lens on a tripod. I was focussing manually and using the lens wide open f 5.6 so there was not much room for error. Still I came away with at least 6 keepers so I could not be too disappointed. I think the bird I have chosen for my blip is a chiffchaff but I would welcome confirmation or alternative identification from thoseof you who know.

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