New Life at Easter

Ducklings, goslings or cygnets are cuter but the swan in a Queens Park is still on her nest, there are no geese and no obvious sign of any ducklings …… we do have a rather large family of coots probably only a few days old and still keeping close to mum and the security of their nest. The youngsters are not the most attractive of chicks but they are rather cute with their predominately red faces and and downy orange hair.

The photos are not too good as the nest is propped against a metal frame in the middle of the pond …. just a wee bit too far away even with my camera on full zoom.

Heading out shortly to our Festival of Easter service at church. As the football match at Hampden Park will be underway it won’t affect my journey to church but I will have to think carefully about my return journey …… no one wants to get caught up in the crowds scaling from a Rangers v Celtic match.

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