
Another lovely day in the Lakes. Much busier than I remember it ever being at Easter but of course the weather is that bit better with it being a late Easter.

Sad news this morning - my dad’s sister had died overnight- aged 94 . She was very special to me and much loved.

MrH’s mum is home from hospital and doing well.

We’ve spent the day locally today , only walked 6 and a bit miles . Called into a couple of local establishments this afternoon to help boost the local economy. I had a couple of Dubonnet and lemonades to toast Aunty Kathleen with - a drink she introduced me to many years ago.

MrH bought me a box of Thornton’s for Easter. After todays news we are down to just 3 of us born with the name but I shall always be proud to be one of them.

Hope you’ve all had peaceful Easter’s and not all overdosed on chocolate!

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