Vat of Kirbister (Day 2538)

Up at stupid o'clock this morning to catch the ferry across to Stronsay. One of my biomass boiler customers had called last week to say their boiler had stopped working and today was my first chance to get across. The job took a couple of hours to do, but I had to wait until after 5pm for the boat home.
I see decided to have a drive around and noticed a sign for the Vat of Kirbister so thought I would have a wander along to it. I have never been, though always meant to, and it was well worth a visit. In the pic there is a wooden bench on the left just above the arch which gives a bit of scale.
The rest of the afternoon was spent waiting on the pier for the ferry. A passing shower meant a rainbow over Papa Stronsay and an excuse for an extra shot. Mum messaged as I waited to give me the news that Dad has caught Covid. Hopefully it won't be too bad.
I am looking forward to getting home to my beautiful wife.

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