Singing his little heart out
Hopefully a female was impressed with his serenading. I certainly was. I think it's a Blackcap.
I'm back down in Torquay dog/housesitting until Thursday pm, so once I'd unpacked my stuff, grub etc, Monty & I hit the tracks. Warm sunshine one minute, cloudy & temp drop the next. I've come equipped for Spring & Summer. Plenty of birdsong, but not too many people out on the tracks away from Cockington Court which is just how I like it. A different route today took us through a field where the farmer dumps trailer loads of dung ... Always makes me envious to see this lovely rotten stuff, well at the end of the heaps there was a stinky pool of water .. Monty went straight in, the gunge coming half way up his legs, then he started drinking the "water". YUK!!! Blow me if when I came out he started scruffing his nose in the wonderful red dirt made from the tractor tracks. So hosing him down was my first job on our return, tied him to a tree trunk in the garden while I went in search of a towel. Found one thankfully, not sure it's meant for the dog, but needs must. Oh yes! And he'd jumped up on my leg with his gungy paws so the jeans had to go in the machine for a quick whizz, then out on the line to dry. We were out for about 2 hours & back to base at lunch time .Ideal!
I made a lamb tagine for dinner .. yum!
Thanks to Carolina for hosting
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