Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Birthday party

I suddenly took a wee tiny notion this morning to re-start my gym visits, so I took advantage of this vague enthusiasm, though still with some reluctance. And when I realised I’d forgotten my gym card, I thought I’d just go in to the cafe instead. But they let me in to the gym…

It was crowded with young kids, so I didn’t stay long - 20 minutes on the treadmill was all I could be bothered doing. I did finally hop on the scales too this morning. Gained 2kg from the cruise. Could have been worse. Much worse.

JR has no such reluctance - up and off, back into her usual routine again.

I spent a stressful morning trying to contact my energy supplier. I know costs have gone up, but our electricity went up from £53 per month to £192 per month!!! That cannot be right, even in these trying times. Of course, you can’t actually TALK to anybody. You get these ‘chat bots’ who only answer set questions with set answers and drive you MAD.

When I came home from the gym, still in a bad mood from my morning traumas, I fancied a coffee. But I had to wash and set up the bloomin’ recyclable pods, which took just TOO FLIPPIN’ LONG. I’m afraid I’ll be going back to quietly trashing my wee bit of the planet very soon.

JR took Archie out for a walk, and then later we went round to visit Pip and his mum and dad, and indeed, his Granny, whose birthday it was. Hamish and his folks were there too. We sat outside in the late afternoon sun for quite a while, though it had lost its warmth a long time before this, and I was very glad I kept my warm jacket on. Archie hung around in the far corner of the garden for ages, then, when nobody was looking, he nipped over the wee wall to the next garden - he’d remembered from it last time. So back on to his lead for him for the rest of the evening. 

A VERY exciting day planned for tomorrow…

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