Quality Time

It was a bit of a slow start this morning, I was feeling particularly tired. Once we did get up I gave Conor a bath, which he screamed through, and got Orla's breakfast. Mum came up with Ryan - it was his great-granny's funeral today and my dad went to the service. Ryan fell asleep so I left Conor with Num and took Orla upstairs to get her ready and have a shower and get ready myself. She was not impressed at me turning off children's telly. In fact she told me that if I ever did it again, she would never ever be good. I said that was fine, in that case there would be no more children's telly, no iPad and no treats. She then decided that she would be good forever. Mum and Dad took her to nursery and Conor and I relaxed at home. I've had him in his new sling today, he basically slept the whole time. We even ventured out in it once Orla came home from nursery. Just round to Tesco - it was so windy we felt like we were going to blow away! After his big sleep this afternoon Conor was in a very good mood and there was some lovely interaction between the two of them.

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