River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Brand New Watering Can!

Another lovely sunny morning, in fact the brightness woke me up at 6am.
I filled the washing machine and everything was outdoors by 9am.
Cooked up some Chilli con Carne for MrD's tea ... a quick breakfast for me then off to have my 6 monthly blood test and blood pressure checked. 
The roads are crazy busy, thank you to the nice young "white van man" for letting me out at the top of our road x
Did a quick shop at the Co-op, which wasn't too busy - everyone on the beach, probably - despite the chilly breeze off the sea ...!
MrD had been out whilst I was out and had bought me the beautiful new Watering Can - it's perfect because it's smaller than our old faithfull.
I was eating my lunch outside, watching for any sign of a swallow or house martin ... MrD came oudoors and I was telling him I still hadn't seen one, when both of us looked towards the tall Sycamore and I could not believe my eyes ... and as if to emphasise the fact the Swallow (Wennol) flew over our heads with such grace - MrD now believes in witchcraft!! ;-))
MrD returned the paint this afternoon ... and got his money back!!
I had a relaxing afternoon of reading and watching "Garddio a Mwy" (Gardening and More).
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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